Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Green Giant Veggie Chips! (make your mouth water yet?!)

 I'm a member of BzzAgent and they sent me these new chips to try out. They are from Green Giant and they are veggie chips. Yum!

So when I got to finally try them (the hubby stole them first...for some reason he seems to think he can try them before me...luckily I stole them back!), I was so surprised  The taste was so amazing! They were packed full of flavor and we're really light. I loved them and apparently hubby does to, because my bag was gone within a day! A day I tell you! 

They have two flavors and I've tried both and thought they were both awesome! They have Zesty Cheddar (get your attention with that one)?! And yummy sea salt!

Here are the nutrition facts (if you're like me and trying to lose some weight!):

By the way, although these were free for me to try, I gave my honest opinion on them! :)