Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella

I'm a HUGE fan of Sophie Kinsella's books. I have to admit it. When I see one of her shiny books sitting on a shelf, I have to grab it and read it. It's a little sad really. 

So, with that said, I was super excited to dive into reading Wedding Night. With the usual wit and charm, Kinsella puts us smack in the middle of a little sister drama. You have Fliss, the responsible sister who is going through an ugly divorce. Then there's Lottie. She's the fun, outgoing and slightly (cough) erratic sister. Even though they are so different, they're extremely close. So it's a huge surprise for Fliss when she finds out that Lottie has run off to get married at the last a man that she hardly knows, no less! It's up to Fliss to fix her sister's big mistake and come to her rescue...but will she be able to do so in time? This is one of those books that has it all. Action, adventure, love and humor. It's an easy read and one that would be a great beach book. 

I loved this book! Sophie is a wonderful writer and she pulls you into every story that she writes. This one has to be up there with one of my top favorites. It's laugh out loud funny and sometimes a little far fetched, but that's why you get away and enjoy a different life for a little while. Even if you've never read a book by Ms. Kinsella, I would highly recommend you pick this one up. Then after you laugh your way through it, pick up her hilarious Shopaholic series. You won't be disappointed!

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